Monday, September 10, 2007


Sticky post, please scroll down

The Anne of Green Gables series are such wonderful books and full of references to knitting. So whats a knitter to do but start a knit/read along!
The Reading Schedule is as follows ~

October: Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea

November: Anne of the Island & Anne of Windy Poplars

December: Anne's House of Dreams & Anne of Ingleside

January: Rainbow Valley & Rilla of Ingleside

There will be a prize for the best Anne themed knitted item. Knitter's Choice on what you'll make.

We start October 1st 2007. If you would like to join please email and we'll send you an invite!


N. Maria said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I loved the movie, for sure.
Will have to check it out.

Anita said...

I've read the books but look forward to reading them again. I wasn't knitting when I read them the first time so will look for the knitting references I don't remember seeing.


Stephanie said...

Already downloaded the book. Can't wait to start.

Pam said...

Sounds wonderful! I've been wanting to read the series again.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like great fun! I will be looking forward to it with great anticipation.

jenfromRI said...

This sounds great! I can't wait to get started reacquanting myself with a childhood friend.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for this! It'll be my first knit-along, and a good one to start with I think!

P.S. Is it just my computer, or is the date on this post January 2008?

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea. I am so looking forward to re-reading the books and knitting something to go with them. It has been awhile since I read them.

B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsey said...

I'm so excited for this knit/read along. I've loved L.M. Montgomery since I was a girl. I now have my six-year-old son listening to audio versions of the first 3 Anne books at night when he goes to be. He loves them and is picking up some great vocabulary words (ex: indignant). Can't wait to see the ideas people have for knitted projects.

monica said...

oh< i loved those books I will have to join in