Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Soooooooo Far Behind

I was doing so well in October, listening to Anne of Green Gables in the evening while I knit. THEN the Red Sox started the playoffs, and, well, there went October. I finally picked up Anne of Avonlea at the beginning of November and I'm almost through with it. (For some reason I haven't downloaded anymore of the books yet.)

As for the knitting...I frogged my husband's scarf because I didn't like how it was pooling. I haven't started it again because there are so many other things to knit! Mittens for my kids, hats for my nieces for Christmas, a sweater to cut down on the stash (so I can build it back up again, of course), socks, socks, and more socks. So I am reading but maybe not knitting along, since none of those are strictly Anne-inspired.

I like seeing everyone's progress, though!

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