Monday, October 8, 2007

An Unexpected Development, and what I am knitting.

I have lost control of my reading. My daughter's enthusiasm for Anne is so great that she wants to read endlessly, while the limit on my voice is about two chapters a day.

Enter Dad. "Oh, I'll read a little to you since Mommy's getting hoarse."

The next thing I know they are on chapter ten, and showing no signs of stopping. dasHusband has fallen in love with Anne!

So he seems to have taken over the reading , and I am wondering if I should make him knit as well!

I am currently knitting the sweater sampler from Jacqueline Fee's book The Sweater Workshop. I plan to make Garden Patch (link) for my Anne project (budget allowing! cross your fingers for me), and the sweater sampler will help me learn a broad range of sweater techniques and shaping before embarking on my project.

Here's how it looks so far:


AnnaEA (link)


Susan said...

I've also been reading Anne to my daughter and my voice also gives out at about 2 chapters. I wish my husband would take over but alas, he has shown no interest in Anne. So I've checked out the audio tapes from the library so we both can follow along and I can get some knitting done.

teabird said...

I think it's so lovely that you're both reading the book with your daughters -

amy said...

Me, too, what teabird said. I have sons. Right now I'm reading JM Barrie's Peter Pan out loud to my nearly 6yo (and cleaning up the language as I go for our more politically correct times--yikes).

I think Fee's book is WONDERFUL and recommend it all the time. Knitting the sampler is well worth the time.